Thursday, 1 August 2013

Finding the perfect present for a new baby or Christening

No matter how much experience you have with kids it can be really tricky knowing what to buy to celebrate the birth or Christening of a baby, especially if it's a baby haven't spent much time with.  Babies often end up with an abundance of clothes aged 3-6 months and nothing from birth to 3 months as everyone seems to share the thought, best not buy the first size as that's what everyone else will be doing! Traditional keepsakes such as silver piggy banks or first curl boxes are a lovely idea... until the little angel reaches the terrible twos and said items need to be kept out of reach to avoid them being launched across the room (a skill my niece honed to perfection earning her the nickname Olga Shotput, and earning the rest of us our fair share of bruises!).

We have come up with a few solutions to this problem, first of all, for those who are unsure what size to buy for a new baby:
The I Miei Cherubini Accessories Gift Set is a great set of essentials baby can use throughout their first year!

The personalised Personalised 'on the day you were born' artwork makes a fantastic keepsake, it can be mounted on the wall or kept as a beautiful scroll.

And consistently one of our best selling baby gifts is the 'Be Brave' canvas which can be done in the colour (and of course name!) of your choice.

As for the big brothers and sisters, we like this rule for older childrens gifts:
Love this idea!